Beyond The Professoriate E-learning Platform | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Beyond The Professoriate E-learning Platform

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What is Beyond the Professoriate?

Beyond the Professoriate’s Career Training Platform is an online professional development tool where postdocs and doctoral students can explore career options and learn job search strategies to secure employment in academia and beyond. The Career Training Platform also hosts a unique video library where students can hear from PhDs working in all career sectors. 

Programs of Study

Students can complete two programs of study, Career Exploration and Career Strategies to explore career options and learn job search strategies to secure employment outside academia. 

  • In the Program of Study: Career Strategies, students learn how to launch a successful non-faculty job search. Video seminars are taught by PhD experts working beyond the professoriate. Topics include career exploration, hiring and negotiating, and online job search strategies. Learning prompts will help your students apply this new knowledge to their own job search.
  • In the Program of Study: Career Exploration, students gain insights from PhDs who have successful careers in industry, non-profits, government, and higher education administration. Through seminars, career panels, and interviews, graduate students and post-docs can explore career options and learn how PhDs leverage their education for success in academia and beyond the professoriate.
  • In the Program of Study: Faculty Careers, students and postdocs become prepared for academic careers.  These webinars are taught primarily by PhD experts working in graduate career and professional development on university campuses.

Login Information

To access Beyond the Professoriate for the first time, click the "Log In to Beyond the Professoriate" button below, and scroll to the University of Guelph then sign on with your SSO.

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