OGPS Leadership Current and Past | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

OGPS Leadership Current and Past

The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (OGPS) is dedicated to service excellence in all of its activities, partnering with departments to: maintain academic standards and the integrity of the graduate programs; attract and admit high quality students and assist graduate students with the successful completion of their academic studies.

Current OGPS Leadership

Portrait of Ben Bradshaw, - Assistant VP of U of G Graduate Studies (2016 - Present)

Ben Bradshaw, Assistant VP, Graduate Studies
2016 to present


Past OGPS Leadership​

Portrait of Karl Conttenie - Associate Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (2021 - Present)
Karl Cottenie, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
2021 to 2024
Portrait of Teresa (Teri) Crease, - Assocate Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (2015 - 2021)
Teresa (Teri) Crease, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
2015 - 2021
Portrait of Anthony Clarke - Vice-President of U of G Graduate Studies (2008 - 2016)
Anthony Clarke, Vice-President, Graduate Studies
2008 - 2016
Portrait of Cecelia Paine - Associate Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (2006 - 2014)
Cecelia Paine, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
2006 - 2014
Portrait of Isobel Heathcote - Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (1998 - 2008)
Isobel Heathcote, Dean of Graduate Studies
1998 - 2008
Portrait of Ben Joan Norris - Assiciate Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (2001 - 2006)
Joan Norris, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies 
2001 - 2006
Portrait of Alastair Summerlee - Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (1995 - 1999)
Alastair Summerlee, Dean of Graduate Studies 
1995 - 1999
Black and White Portrait of Doug Ormrod - Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (1986 - 1995)
Doug Ormrod, Dean of Graduate Studies
1986 - 1995
B&W portrait of Carlton Gyles - Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (1981-1986)
Carlton Gyles - Dean of Graduate Studies
B&W Portrait of Herbert Armstrong - Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (1968 - 1980)
Herbert Armstrong - Dean of Graduate Studies
1968 - 1980
B&W portrait of Hugh Branion - Dean of U of G Graduate Studies (1964 - 1967)
Hugh Branion - Dean of Graduate Studies
1964 - 1967