Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Spotlight on Faculty

University of Guelph Biotechnology Professor Andrew Hamilton-Wright

Andrew Hamilton-Wright

We look at interesting data problems with real-world impact.​

Email: andrew.hamilton-wright@uoguelph.c

Portrait of Dr. Edward Koning

Edward Koning

My main interest is in the politics of immigration in Western democracies. My two key areas of research are the policies that different countries have adopted to manage the integration of immigrants, and populist anti-immigrant parties.


Portrait of Professor Ali Dehghantanha

Ali Dehghantanha

My primary research goals are currently directed towards building AI agents for active threat hunting in Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Internet of Battlefield of Things (IoBT).

Portrait of Dr. Robin Roth

Robin Roth

I have an interest in conservation induced livelihood change, forest governance, conservation partnerships and Indigenous-led conservation governance. My work seeks to improve the social and ecological outcomes of conservation governance.


Portrait of Lee-Anne Huber

Lee-Anne Huber

My research attempts to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of pork production in Ontario and Canada, to support a vibrant and diverse industry that employees many people, which ultimately provides high-quality, safe, and affordable pork for us to eat.


Portrait of Karen Landman

Karen Landman

Landscape architecture has a long history at the University of Guelph, and we are able to tap into the diversity of disciplines here in order to make a broad contribution to our students' education and experience.
