We are interested in structure-function relationships of enzymes and enzyme evolution. We are studying steroid degrading enzymes from the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other related bacteria. We are also interested in enzymes that can be used to detoxify environmental pollutants.
My specialization is Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare of Farm Animals. My research and teaching focus on how various housing and management practices affect the behavioural biology and welfare of farm animals.
The research that we conduct in my laboratory aims to understand the causes of infertility at the gene level and pinpoint the mechanisms through which toxicants affect fertility both in humans and farm animals. Understanding how things happen will help in finding ways of overcoming it.
I and my lab study animal welfare. We're interested in how to create good living conditions for animals kept in labs, zoos and farms; in how scientists can assess well-being objectively; and in what happens to brain and behaviour when animals are raised and kept lifelong in confining, barren enclosures.
I have an interest in conservation induced livelihood change, forest governance, conservation partnerships and Indigenous-led conservation governance. My work seeks to improve the social and ecological outcomes of conservation governance.