Ryan Broll | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Notice:

GryphForms will be down from: May 2nd - 7th

Ryan Broll

Ryan Broll

My research interests include bullying and cyberbullying, policing, and victimization. I am particularly interested in the ways in which the peer, family, and school contexts influence adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying, and how groups of adults collaborate to prevent and respond to cyberbullying.


Sociology and Anthropology / Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy

About my research…

My research interests include bullying and cyberbullying, policing, and victimization. I am particularly interested in the ways in which the peer, family, and school contexts influence adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying, and how groups of adults collaborate to prevent and respond to cyberbullying. My research also explores the policing of cyberspace, and resilience after one experiences violent victimization.

How my Research Improves Life…

My research aims to understand personal, peer group, family, and school characteristics that are associated with involvement in bullying and cyberbullying, with a particular goal of supporting bullying and cyberbullying prevention programming. Similarly, my research on the ways in which adults collaborate to prevent and respond to cyberbullying aims to inform improved solutions, and my work on policing cyberspace helps to advance our understanding of how the general public can be leveraged as a security stakeholder in online environments.