Xiaodong Lin | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

The Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies will be closed from December 16 to 20. In-person services will be available only by appointment. We will continue to be available online. To book an appointment please refer to our Contact Us directory.

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Xiaodong Lin

Portrait of Dr. Xiaodong Lin

Dr.  Lin’s research interests include information security, privacy-enhancing technologies, digital forensics and applied cryptography (the science of concealing and deciphering computer data to keep it private).


About my research…

Dr.  Lin’s research interests include information security, privacy-enhancing technologies, digital forensics and applied cryptography (the science of concealing and deciphering computer data to keep it private).

How my research improves life…

Emerging connected vehicles and autonomous vehicles opens up new avenues to create conveniences and safer lifestyles. They show great promise in helping improve road safety and traffic management; they could, for example, enable vehicles to warn each other about accidents or traffic jams ahead, giving drivers a chance to change lanes quickly or choose an alternative route. However, as open networks, they are also vulnerable to various types of hackers who could steal a driver’s personal information, block the transmission of critical information or send out false information that could cause collisions or congestion.  Dr.  Lin has been working extensively on the theory and practice of security and privacy protection in vehicular networking. He was elevated to IEEE Fellow for his contributions in secure and privacy-preserving vehicular communications in 2017.