Angela Wilson | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Angela Wilson

Angela Wilson

2022 PhD Animal Biosciences
Research Area: 
Dairy Cow Stall Design

About Student Services… 

The library is full of resources to help with writing and research, and the staff are always helpful. 


Animal Biosciences, PhD

How my Research will Improve Life… 

My research was in dairy cow stall design which is working to improve animal welfare, a major area of interest in the agricultural industry.

Why I Chose Guelph… 

I did my undergrad at the University of Guelph, and after getting to know a few professors through my fourth year undergrad research project, I knew I wanted to pursue a Masters here. The Ontario Agricultural College at the University of Guelph has a strong history of research and continues to be an innovator in agricultural research. Another factor in my decision was the opportunity to conduct research in a practical setting. 

About My Advisor… 

I had an excellent academic relationship with my advisor. We met regularly to discuss my progress and any challenges I was facing in my research. He encouraged me to look at problems from various angles and identify practical solutions. I learned so much from my advisor and gained valuable exposure to the industry. 

About the City of Guelph… 

The City of Guelph is a charming and welcoming city. The people are friendly and the university is very much integrated within the community. There are many walking/running trails and the city has a variety of great restaurants. 

About Campus… 

The food is amazing, everyone is friendly, and the campus is stunning throughout all seasons.