Coral Murrant | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

The Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies will be closed from December 16 to 20. In-person services will be available only by appointment. We will continue to be available online. To book an appointment please refer to our Contact Us directory.

Document submissions: please use the drop-box located outside our office.

Coral Murrant

Portrait of Professor Coral Murrant


Human Health & Nutritional Sciences, Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism

About my research…

My main research focus centres around how tissues control their blood flow. We use skeletal muscle to determine how cells of a tissue communicate their needs for blood flow to the cells of the vasculature, endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, and that these cells alter their function and coordinate the microvasculature to ensure the proper blood flow delivery. We are currently investigating skeletal muscle cells communication with capillaries and capillaries central role in microvasculature network signaling and blood flow control.

How my research improves life…

Proper tissue perfusion is critical for health of the tissue. Mismatches in blood flow to a tissues demand result in tissue failure, such as heart attack and stroke. We are trying to understand how tissues communicate their blood flow needs to their microvasculature and how the microvasculature responds in order to maintain healthy tissue function and avoid disease.

Why choose graduate studies in your program?

The University of Guelph and the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences offer nurturing, challenging, and exciting research opportunities in each of its graduate programs. I have first hand experience as I did my graduate work here and would highly recommend it!