Kaitlin Patterson | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Kaitlin Patterson

2022 PhD POPM + IDEV
Research Area: 
Maternal Health

Being a Graduate Student at Guelph… 

The graduate life experience is great! There are a ton of activities and ways to get involved on campus. The administration, faculty and fellow student truly provide a supportive environment to learn, grow and be challenged. 


Population Medicine

How my Research will Improve Life… 

I worked with Indigenous women in Uganda to improve maternal health in rural areas. Guelph has supported me in doing community-based research and pursuing an approach to research that provides meaningful partnerships and results for communities involved.

Why I Chose Guelph… 

I chose Guelph because of the unique opportunity to study Epidemiology in a veterinary medical school and have the ability to do a collaborative PhD with International Development. The program offered excellent training in both of these areas, and is the only place in Canada to offer this format. Because of the broad range of expertise and research, I believed it would be the best place to work on global and Eco health projects. 

About My Advisor… 

I feel so grateful for the positive relationship I had made with my supervisor. We worked together really well and I feel fully supported in my research and course work. They have invested so much in my training and have provided me opportunities to teach, supervise, collaborate and network. My program would not have been the same without them, and I do not believe I would have had this experience anywhere else. 

About the City of Guelph… 

Guelph is an amazing community. My partner and I have loved living in the city. It has an amazing arts community with great shows, exhibits, festivals and trivia! We especially loved that we could bike everywhere. The city genuinely feels like home for us. 

My Future Plans… 

I plan to continue doing research in any capacity that I can. I am interested in both academia and government opportunities. Guelph has exceptional partnerships with private and public organizations. During my PhD, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with local, national and international health departments and organizations. Particularly valuable are the links with the Public Health Agency of Canada, which support truly excellent research and policy relevant science. 

About Campus… 

I love how many different parts of campus there are. The arboretum, the UC (and the graduate lounge), Creelman’s for amazing food, Johnston green; they all contribute to the amazing community at the University.