Mavis Morton | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

The Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies will be closed from December 16 to 20. In-person services will be available only by appointment. We will continue to be available online. To book an appointment please refer to our Contact Us directory.

Document submissions: please use the drop-box located outside our office.

Mavis Morton

Portrait of Mavis Morton


Our program offers an opportunity to work with diverse faculty, develop and apply theory and qualitative, quantitative & mixed research skills and communicate in clear and accessible written, oral and visual forms with and for multiple audiences to affect positive social change.



About my research…

My research focuses on social justice issues and can be described as community engaged research (CEnR). It is engaged in the sense that it involves community-university collaborations in identifying, conducting and applying social research.

How my research improves life…

By working together with community partners and students, we attempt to co-create knowledge by directly addressing problems and issues related to social justice issues facing communities. Additional research focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and examines the process and outcomes of teaching and learning to improve student learning, the student & community partner experience, and educational quality.

Why choose U of G grad studies…

The University of Guelph and specifically the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS) is an engaged campus that works across disciplines with the larger community to address complex issues facing individuals, families, communities locally, nationally and globally. The graduate program in sociology offers a specialization in crime and social control; environment, food and communities; and identities and social inclusion. Our program offers an opportunity to work with diverse faculty, develop and apply theory and qualitative, quantitative & mixed research skills and communicate in clear and accessible written, oral and visual forms with and for multiple audiences to affect positive social change.