Michele Oliver
About my research…
The central theme of my research program is the prevention and treatment of workplace injuries. This is accomplished through the following three research strands: DRiVE Lab 2.0 (Driving Research in Virtual Environments 2.0) is comprised of two states of the art virtual reality laboratories housed in the A.A. Thornbrough Building; Whole-Body Vibration Mitigation Strategies and Device Development; and Wrist Brace Assessment and Development
How my research improves Life…
My research improves life by assessing workplace tasks and devices for end user injury potential. Once the risk is understood, new methods and devices are designed to minimize the potential of developing injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Why you should choose Guelph…
As a non-departmentalized engineering school, we utilize the power that comes from solving engineering problems using a multi- and interdisciplinary approach using readily available in-house expertise from engineering, computer science, and psychology.