Stephen LeBlanc
About my research…
My research program seeks to improve the metabolic and reproductive health of dairy cattle. My research addresses the interactions of applied energy metabolism, reproductive physiology, immunology, and management in the context of production economics. We use large-scale randomized controlled trials, complemented with more intensive studies to address questions that are relevant for veterinarians and farmers.
How my research improves life…
Dairy cattle are an important part of the food system in most of the world. High-producing dairy cows have been likened to metabolic athletes, and our research helps to find ways to support cows' health, welfare, fertility, and productivity.
Why choose U of G grad studies…
The University of Guelph is home to Dairy at Guelph, a network of over 60 faculty in many departments who do research related to dairy production and foods. We are Canada's Dairy University, and one of the most productive institutions in the world in dairy research. We offer outstanding research infrastructure and a friendly and vibrant research community.