Diversity and Human Rights

The University of Guelph is committed to maintaining the human dignity of individuals and groups of individuals through its Human Rights Policy (Policy), which supplements the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code). The Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) helps coordinate, evaluate, and report on the University's institutional equity and inclusion activities; and promotes the fundamental rights and responsibilities guaranteed by the Code. DHR provides advice under the Policy and its Procedures, and manages its complaint processes in a consistent, timely, impartial and fair manner.
DHR develops, manages and supports campus-wide educational and outreach initiatives under the University's Inclusion Framework. In addition, DHR provides resources to systemically address barriers in order to achieve accessibility as required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
If you think your rights under the Code or any of the University's policies have been violated, or if you just have a question, you are welcome to contact DHR at dhrinfo@uoguelph.ca for assistance or direction.