Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association is your official representative at the University of Guelph. Whether in negotiations with university administration, participation on various university committees, or through interaction with other student organizations on campus, the GSA makes sure the interests of graduate students are taken into consideration.
Full-time and part-time graduate students are members of the GSA. It is operated by a Board of Directors consisting of an elected Executive Committee (President; Vice-President Internal; Vice-President External; Vice-President Finance) and two elected General Directors from each academic unit on campus. The GSA has several internal committees in addition to representing graduate student interests on university committees such as the Board of Graduate Studies. Meetings of the GSA Board are held once per month and are open to all GSA members. If you are interested in getting involved in graduate student government, consider running for election as a General Director, or a member of the Executive Committee.
The GSA administers numerous services to graduate students such as the bus pass, the health and dental plan, emergency bursaries and counselling services, to name a few. It also owns and manages The Fifth: GSA Rooftop Patio and Lounge, which is located on the 5th floor of the University Centre and serves great food and drinks. Weekly social events such as Triva Thursdays are also held at The Fifth.
Watch the video below for an overview of the GSA.
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