Derek Haley | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Derek Haley

Portrait of Derek Haley


Studying the behavioural biology of cattle sheds light on how they see and experience the world, and ultimately offers us insight into their feelings. What drives their behaviour? How do the ways that we interact with them, house them, and manage them, impact their well-being? In our lab, answering these questions are fundamental to ensuring that the animals we farm, in this case cattle, live a good life.


About my research…

As an applied ethologist I lead a research program studying animal behaviour with a focus on farm animals, and on beef and dairy cattle in particular. Understanding the behavioural biology of cattle is critical to working in harmony with them, and to developing ways of caring for them, and managing them, that minimizes the stress they experience, and provides them with a good quality of life.

How my research improves life…

Studying the behavioural biology of cattle sheds light on how they see and experience the world, and ultimately offers us insight into their feelings. What drives their behaviour? How do the ways that we interact with them, house them, and manage them, impact their well-being? In our lab, answering these questions are fundamental to ensuring that the animals we farm, in this case cattle, live a good life.

Why choose U of G grad studies…

In addition to being home to the Ontario Veterinary College, the U of Guelph is also the home to the Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare. Established in 1989, the Centre serves as a dynamic hub for a core group of experts who investigate animal behaviour, and animal welfare science. Additionally a number of other faculty from varied disciplines such as economics, history, philosophy, and others, also work on animal welfare topics, making Guelph the university with unparalleled expertise in animal welfare.