Samantha O'Leary | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Samantha O'Leary

Portrait of graduate student Samantha O'Leary

2021 PhD Family Relations & Human Development

Advice for prospective students...

I would encourage all prospective graduate students to research their program of interest and speak directly to faculty prior to applying as this can ensure that your research goals align with your prospective advisor/program of choice.​


PhD, FRAN - Family Relations & Human Development

Why I Chose Guelph...

The Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition at U of G has a strong, positive reputation and a faculty that supports their students to excel. I was interested in completing my doctoral degree in the Family Relations and Human Development program as I had the opportunity to explore family relationships from an applied lens and explore the relational dynamics of family members who support children with disabilities.

How will my work Improve Life...

My research explored the factors that influence the mental health and wellbeing of parents/caregivers of children/youth with an autism spectrum disorder and aide in the conceptualization of a therapeutic intervention program designed to enhance the quality of life of these families.