Adrian Taylor | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Adrian Taylor

Portrait of doctoral graduate Adrian Taylor

2019 PhD Human Health & Nutritional Sciences

Advice for Prospective Students...

See graduate school as an opportunity to grow in many different ways. UofG has plenty of wonderful research opportunities, and a big part of being a researcher is the chance to communicate your research to different audiences. Graduate school is an awesome opportunity to become a more well rounded person from developing problem solving skills as a researcher to sharpening communication skills, all of which are crucial for any walk of life you end up travelling down.


2019 Graduate –  PhD. Human Health and Nutritional Sciences

Why I chose Guelph...

Well, I came across a great research opportunity to combine my interests in genetics with human health, so I jumped at it. Also, the University of Guelph has a laid back environment which is also quite interactive which is a perfect mix for my personality.

About my advisor...

Dr. Bakovic is very passionate about her research and her enthusiasm resonates with everyone. That in itself made it easy to come to work every day.

What is it like to be a grad student at U of G?

If there is one word to describe the graduate student experience at UofG, it would be 'diverse'. You're a researcher, which means that you develop into an expert problem solver. Research is also collaborative because you're constantly working with faculty advisors, so that makes you a teammate. Most graduate students are also teaching assistants and that means you're a mentor. Many graduate students also attend conferences and networking events, which means that you're sharpening your communication skills. In a nutshell, you wear many hats as a graduate student at UofG.

About the campus...

I really loved the laid back atmosphere and people also really try to help each other out when they can. The campus also looks nice too!

How will my work Improve Life?

Obesity is a disease which has reached epidemic proportions in Canada and my research sheds light on how increasing dietary choline consumption can help to mitigate this disease.

My future plans...

My plan is to start a career in industry. UofG has been important in helping me prepare for this next step because of the numerous networking events that are available to gain insight about future career paths. In addition, I have been exposed to lots of opportunities to further develop my transferable skills which are critical for careers in industry.