Laura Austin | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Laura Austin

Portrait of graduate student Laura Austin

2020 MSc Biomedical Sciences

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

My first piece advice to prospective grad students would be to find a lab or an advisor that you mesh well with and are excited about working with. If you are on the same page and feel comfortable from the start, it makes all the difference. After that, trust yourself and your abilities! You are capable of more than you think.


MSc. Biomedical Sciences

Why I chose Guelph...

I completed by undergrad at the University of Guelph. I love the campus and the community here, so after I found a lab and research that I loved it was an easy decision to stay for my graduate degree.

About my advisor...

As an undergrad, I wouldn't have thought it was possible to have a relationship with a faculty member like the one I had with my advisor. I was able to talk freely and openly about my ideas and concerns, and I have already grown so much as a researcher. I feel so fortunate to have had such a supportive environment in which to complete my graduate studies.

How will my work Improve Life?

Our research was all about exploring why some species and organisms can regenerate parts of their body, whereas others cannot. Understanding the mechanisms of regeneration could have important biomedical implications, especially following injury.

My future plans

Throughout my undergrad and graduate studies, I always enjoyed the many hands-on learning opportunities and labs U of G has to offer. I would love to work as a lab tech or instructor in a similar setting.