Teaching | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Notice:

GryphForms will be down from: May 2nd - 7th



Teaching workshops and events provide students with the knowledge and skills to enhance their academic and professional opportunities. Of particular value are skills around knowledge mobilization and teaching strategies, designing course materials and providing effective feedback to students.


Workshops, events and resources offered on a regular basis are organized by topic. The semester(s) in which on-campus workshops are usually offered is indicated in brackets. To see what is coming up, use the links to the registration page or visit the events calendar. Events that are not offered on a regular basis are also posted so check the calendar regularly to find out what is available.


The University of Guelph Experiential Learning initiative has identified 26 common employability outcomes and organized them into three groups (knowledge, skills, and attitudes). In the Teaching skills domain, you will gain experience with skills such as Cultural and Civic knowledge, Oral Communication, Visual, and Written Communication skills, Creativity and Innovation, Critical and Analytical Thinking, Knowledge Integration, Problem-Solving, Conflict Management, Leadership, Social and Cultural Agility, Teamwork and Collaboration.


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Grad Pathways Calendar

* Double-click on any event to see details


Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL)

University Teaching Foundation program (Foundations)

The Foundations program, offered by the OTL is an educational development program for graduate students, postdocs and sessionals. It provides hands-on and community-based teaching development opportunities. It also introduces participants to evidence-informed strategies and ideas for learner-centred instructional development as well as for implementation in their reflective teaching practices.

Upon successful completion of the Foundations program, participants will receive a Record of Completion issued by OTL and a Letter of Completion signed by the Director of OTL and by the Associate VP Academic.

Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)

The ISW is offered by the OTL in a small group setting (four to six participants per small group) and is designed to enhance the teaching effectiveness of both new and experienced educators. During the three-day workshop, you will design and conduct three 10-minute "lessons" and receive verbal, written and video feedback from the other participants who have been learners in the lessons.

Graduate Student University Teaching Development Day

The GSUTD is a day-long development program offered by the OTL dedicated to teaching and learning for University of Guelph graduate students.


Graduate Teaching Community (GTC)

The GTC, hosted by the OTL is a collaborative organization for students who are interested in teaching and learning to gather and share knowledge, learn new skills, and network with like-minded individuals.


Remote Instructional Support

OTL provides resources for instructors who are looking to improve courses that they are teaching remotely. They are also providing a Teaching Talks webinar series, instructional videos and other tips and information to help instructors move their courses online.

SoTL Snapshot Collection

SoTL Snapshots are concise synopses of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) articles, with a specific focus on how to implement evidence-based strategies in your teaching practice.  There is currently a collection of approximately 20 Snapshots, with more being added weekly.



The library provides guest lectures, workshops, and the integration of library materials into course design and development.

Teaching Support Appointments

The library offers teaching support appointments in which instructors can receive help developing learning outcomes, in-class activities, assignments, and assessment tools related to competencies such as:

  • Writing
  • Information literacy and research skills
  • Data and statistics
  • Studying, time management and presentation skills
  • Publishing and author support
  • Archival & special collections
  • Digital media projects