Amanda J Wright | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Notice:

GryphForms will be down from: May 2nd - 7th

Amanda J Wright


Human Health & Nutritional Sciences, Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences

About my research…

I lead an interdisciplinary team working at the food-nutritional sciences interface. I have specialized expertise in dietary lipids and the role that food structure plays in determining metabolic response. We research these topics by integrating advanced food analysis, in vitro digestion methods, and human clinical trials.

How my research improves life…

A better understanding of how foods contribute to health and disease will enable strategies to reduce the chronic disease burden and optimize health. Our research aims to support the development and recommendation of evidence-based functional foods and natural health products. This is facilitated by my role as Director of the Human Nutraceutical Research Unit (, a University of Guelph research and educational group specializing in collaborative nutrition clinical trials.