Abdul-Rahim Abdulai
Why I Chose Guelph...
I came here because I found a respectable faculty I was happy to work with. I also found the agriculture focus of the University to be a good environment for me to embed myself into my interest in agriculture and food security.
About My Advisor...
I had a perfect relationship with my advisor because he has been very supportive. He is open to passing opportunities along to the students.
About the City...
I do not worry about security issues. I also like the vibrancy of the city's community-based initiatives.
About the program...
I found a great study environment in a wonderful community. My first few months at the University was good because my department was very supportive and all lecturers were nice to me. I felt settled right away.
How will my work Improve Life...
My research will help farmers and rural communities understand how new technologies may alter their everyday life and the social structures that define them. By bringing these issues into the fore, farmers and rural communities will appreciate how technologies will affect their social being. This will help ensure we make use of technologies in a way that does not undermine the social values of our society.
My Future Plans...
I plan to continue in academia. I feel I am in a good environment that connects me to a wide academic community in social science studies on food and agriculture studies.