Andrea Buchholz

Family Relations & Applied Nutrition
About my research
As a Registered Dietitian and the Director of the University of Guelph Body Composition Lab, I am interested in the associations between lifestyle habits, body composition and cardiometabolic risk in families with young children. I am a co-investigator of the Guelph Family Health Study and the Family Stress Study.
How my research improves life
I am passionate about investigating and promoting healthy lifestyle habits. What better way to "improve life" by helping families with young children get a head start on establishing healthy lifestyles?
Why choose U of G?
The Applied Human Nutrition graduate program draws on several perspectives in applied human nutrition - behavioural, biological, and social sciences and spans all age groups in its focus on the role of nutrition in health and well- being. My research group focuses on families with young children. If that interests you, then come play in the AHN sandbox with us!