Clara Cho | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Clara Cho

Portrait of Professor Clare Cho


Human Health & Nutritional Sciences, Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences

About my research…

My research program investigates dietary influences on risk of chronic diseases with a focus on the role of methyl nutrients in determining phenotypes. My laboratory uses animal models and human studies to provide mechanistic insights underlying metabolic disease risk from genetic, epigenetic, physiologic, metabolic and microbiome perspectives

How my research improves life…

Diet is a major presumed factor in the rising prevalence of diseases including obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease, yet we have limited understanding of the complex pathologies and contributors to these diseases. My research investigates the molecular mechanisms underlying diseases, with a broader goal of identifying pathways that predict health and disease outcomes. We also consider individual responsiveness to dietary factors to identify traits that may predispose certain people to diseases. Ultimately, we aim to contribute to evidence-based, innovative, targeted strategies to reduce disease risk in the population-at-large.

Why choose graduate studies in your program?

The University of Guelph offers a rich and dynamic environment for nutrition research with wide-ranging expertise across biomedical and health fields. I am committed through my supervisory responsibilities to maintain a collaborative, inquiry-based learning environment by engaging students in every step of the use and creation of fundamental knowledge.