Jennifer Silver
About the research…
Jennifer's research is concerned with the roles of institutions, markets, and technologies in environmental governance. Topically, many of her projects have centered on oceans, marine resource management, and coastal and Indigenous communities. She has over 20 peer reviewed publications, participated in several interdisciplinary working groups, and received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Networks of Centres of Excellence Program.
How the research improves life…
Environmental governance refers to the structures, processes, negotiations, and relationships through which decisions are made about the environment and human-environment interactions. Very different opinions exist within society about the roles that institutions, markets, and technologies should play in environmental governance. Jennifer's research, and that of her graduate students, examines environmental governance arrangements on a case by case basis. Results yield tailored insights and advice about institutions, markets, and technologies and support equity and sustainability at the regional scale.