Noella Gray
About my research…
I examine marine conservation policy and governance, from local to global scales. I explore how decisions are made, how science and other kinds of knowledge inform these decisions, how various actors influence decision-making processes, and who benefits (or loses) as a result. I study international conservation policy as well as place-based projects (marine parks and ecotourism ventures) in Belize and Kiribati.
How my Research Improves Life…
How can we conserve and manage marine resources in a way that is both effective and equitable? How can we integrate diverse knowledge systems and values in order to pursue sustainable oceans governance? My research examines various policy mechanisms (e.g. marine protected areas, volunteer tourism, conservation targets) in order to answer these questions.
Why you should choose Guelph…
I/we conduct world-class, socially-relevant research, collaborate with a wide range of academic and non-academic partners (e.g. non-profit organizations, businesses) in Canada and internationally, and engage graduate students as departmental citizens and critical members of our research teams.