Research & Analysis | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Research & Analysis


Research workshops and events provide students with the knowledge and skills to enhance their research potential in both academic and professional opportunities. Of particular value are skills around project management, data skills (analysis, visualization, getting, storing and managing data), technological & digital literacy, research publication and presentation, and knowledge mobilization.  These skills can be used in coursework, thesis research and in many careers beyond graduate school.

Workshops, events and resources offered on a regular basis are organized by topic. The semester(s) in which on-campus workshops are usually offered is indicated in brackets. To see what is coming up, use the links to the registration page or visit the events calendar. Events that are not offered on a regular basis are also posted so check the calendar regularly to find out what is available.


The University of Guelph Experiential Learning initiative has identified 26 common employability outcomes and organized them into three groups (knowledge, skills, and attitudes). In the Research & Analysis skills domain, you will gain experience with skills such as Digital and Technical knowledge, Mathematical and Scientific knowledge, Oral, Visual, and Written Communication, Creativity and Innovation, Critical and Analytical Thinking, Knowledge Integration, Problem-Solving, Teamwork and Collaboration, Decision-Making, Information Management, Planning and Organizing, Time Management, Adaptability, Curiosity, Initiative, Persistence.


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Grad Pathways Calendar

* Double-click on any event to see details

Presentation and Publication

The library offers a variety of workshops to support students' academic and professional skill development, including workshops on publishing and presenting their research, dealing with open access publishing charges, and developing their scholarly identity.

Browse the library’s workshops and events calendar.

Students can also book individual appointments on presentation practice and publishing to help them reach their academic and professional goals. Visit the library's appointment booking page to learn more.

The library created a website on Writing in the Sciences that offers practical writing guidance.


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Research Skills

The library offers a variety of workshops to support students' academic and professional skill development, including workshops on researching and writing the literature review, and citation management.

Browse the library’s workshops and events calendar.

Students can also book individual appointments to help them reach their academic and professional goals, such as getting started on a literature review, scoping review, or systematic review. Visit the library's appointment booking page to learn more.


Data Skills

The library offers a variety of workshops to support students' academic and professional skill development, including workshops on research data management, and collecting, creating, cleaning, preparing, analyzing, and visualizing data.

There are workshops on using a variety of tools, such as Excel, Github, GIS, Nvivo, OpenRefine, Qualtrics, Python, R, SAS, SPSS, and Tableau.

Browse the library’s workshops and events calendar.

Students can also book individual appointments to help them reach their academic and professional goals. Visit the library's appointment booking page to learn more.


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Time and Project Management

The library offers a variety of workshops to support students' academic and professional skill development, including workshops on time management and project management.

There are workshops on using a variety of tools, such as Excel, Github, GIS, Nvivo, OpenRefine, Qualtrics, Python, R, SAS, SPSS, and Tableau.

Browse the library’s workshops and events calendar.

Students can also book individual appointments to help them reach their academic and professional goals. Visit the library's appointment booking page to learn more.



CDE*6290 Special Topics in Project Management [W]

This course focuses on project management approaches, methods and skills and focuses primarily on small projects and project management outside the private sector, in public, community and not-for-profit contexts. This is not a Project Management Professional (PMP) designation course, but it is designed to support students to move on to pursue their own accredited certificates in PMP.

The course is open to students in any graduate program.


Information on Mitacs Training

Essentials of Productive Teams

Using team-based, hands-on, experiential learning exercises, the objective of this one-day course is to provide you with an opportunity to build your ability and awareness participating in and leading an effective team unit that meets deadlines and sees results. You will discover the key steps and competencies to build an efficient and effective team, learn how to manage the barriers that keep teams from performing and learn how to apply the best practice of teams into daily communication.

Foundations of Project Management I

This 2-day course provides an experiential, collaborative learning experience enabling you to integrate the principles of project management, team building, group dynamics and leadership that you can apply immediately and in your future careers and lives. You will gain a clear understanding of foundational project management principles and develop an understanding of the importance of team and team dynamics within the context of project management and meeting project deadlines.

Foundations of Project Management II

This 2-day course provides an experiential, collaborative learning experience enabling you to integrate the principles of project management, team building, group dynamics and leadership that you can apply immediately and in your future careers and lives. You will gain a clear understanding of foundational project management principles and develop an understanding of the importance of team and team dynamics within the context of project management and meeting project deadlines.

Managing Project Timelines (online)

You will learn techniques and tools to help you create realistic project timelines and manage your time and energy. You will learn how to define tasks, task duration, milestones, and deadlines, how to use planning techniques to implement and adapt project timelines, and learn processes and techniques to communicate your project status to your research team.

Time Management

This intensive one-day course will sharpen your professional time management skills and optimize your working week. The course provides tools and techniques that can be applied to a partner industry project or employment-based role. You will review and apply relevant time management processes within a project management context. Successful productivity optimization and performance improvement tactics will also be covered.

Time Management (online)

You will learn to accurately organize & estimate your workload, boost performance and productivity, drive the results that matter to you, and take effective action to help follow-through. Topics include project management best practices, action lists, defining what is important and urgent for you, self-correcting behaviours such as procrastination and distraction, introducing controls to minimize interruptions, distraction, and procrastination and effective tactics to help negotiate your time with colleagues or managers.


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Research Communication Series

The monthly workshop series Skills for Research Impact is a collaboration between CESI, the Research Innovation Office, and the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.  It is aimed at faculty, research staff and graduate students who are interested in enhancing the impact of their research. Through nine hands-on sessions facilitated by impact experts, participants will learn how to successfully plan, execute and evaluate knowledge mobilization (KMb), or knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) activities. Sessions will cover topics key to effective research communications and engagement of non-academic audiences, including policy, industry and community stakeholders.

Planning for Research Impact

Become familiar with knowledge mobilization plans and conceptualize strategies adapted to your goals and audiences.

Stakeholder Engagement

Reflect on how to engage your stakeholders throughout your research process to increase your impact, and review engagement best practices for policy, industry and community actors.

Clear Language Writing

Hone your clear communications skills! Get tips on how to structure and write clear language summaries of your research for dissemination to lay audiences.

Design Principles: Designing for your Audience

Go beyond the academic poster: learn all about best practices for designing visual materials that are appealing and bring your messages across.

Website Design & Digital Accessibility

Build your own website: explore available platforms and consider website structure, content and budget. Learn about digital accessibility and how to promote your website.

Social Media Engagement

Learn all about the web 2.0! Discover how to choose social media platforms that are appropriate for your goals and audiences, and get tips on creating engaging posts.

Event Planning and Facilitation

Getting your stakeholders into the room is important, but you also need to know what to do with them! Build a checklist of event planning essentials and discuss best practices in group facilitation.

Data Visualization

From data to story, learn to turn numbers into compelling visuals and impactful design. Explore the figures and formats most appropriate to share your data and get step-by-step direction on visualizing your messages.

Evaluating KTT Activities

When all is said and done, how do you know it worked? Go beyond the anecdote and learn to use evaluation techniques to assess the impact of your knowledge mobilization efforts. From data to the story, learn to turn numbers into compelling visuals and impactful design. Explore the figures and formats most appropriate to share your data and get step-by-step direction on visualizing your messages.

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The Advantage Workshops will give research teams involved in the Food from Thought program the tools they need to maximize the impact of their research and to produce innovative products and tools. The workshops will expose research teams to new skills that can help them to envision and communicate solutions and to develop fruitful, long term relationships with industry.  To obtain more information about these workshops, email

Innovation Tool Kit

This workshop enables researchers and their teams to elevate their dynamic problem solving and communication systems to realize the full value of every team member’s contribution. By embracing new ways of problem-solving and assessing risk, workshop participants will turn their ideas into valuable and well-considered solutions.

Creating Persuasive Value Propositions

This workshop introduces research teams to tools that will clearly communicate the potential impact of their work and enable them to write value-focused grant applications. Teams will also discover how clear communication and persuasive value propositions can mobilize teams and external partners more successfully.

Advanced Collaboration Techniques

Many researchers achieve more impact and success because of long-term relationships formed with industry and external partners. This workshop will help researchers to develop a strategy for cultivating fruitful collaborations and to optimize the way they work with external partners.

Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) Strategy Tool Kit

A detailed knowledge mobilization strategy is an important piece of many grant applications to ensure that the research conducted has maximal impact. This workshop will make it easier for researchers to create and articulate KMb plans that not only please funders but effectively puts knowledge into action.

Intellectual Property (IP) Essentials

Useful for researchers at all career stages, this workshop helps inventors and creatives understand the options they have to maximize the financial potential of their work. Insights on current Canadian and International IP law as well as University of Guelph services and rules will be discussed. This session includes time for a robust question and answer period.

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The Guelph Knowledge Translation and Transfer Community of Practice (KTT CoP) is an informal group of knowledge mobilization professionals, faculty and students seeking to share best practices, develop new skills, and connect with peers. They host semi-regular workshops on topics related to research impact and knowledge exchange, and maintain a listserv that supports the sharing of resources and opportunities within the community.

Visit the KTT CoP Events page to find out what workshops are planned for the upcoming year.


University Policies and Procedures

Forms, Policies, Guidelines, Procedures

This webpage provides links to forms, policies, guidelines and procedures related to doing research at the University of Guelph.

Use of Animals in Research

This webpage provides information about policies and procedures related to the use of animals in research at the University.

Research Ethics

This webpage describes procedures and policies for the use of human participants in research at the University