External Awards
Awards are offered not only from the University of Guelph but many other external agencies. Please explore the options that we offer here and search the web for options that are not listed. See also Government Funded Awards.
Council of Ontario Universities
With the support of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), a Scholar Awards Program in Autism has been established to ensure that Ontario attracts and retains pre-eminent scholars. The community of autism scholars fostered by this Awards Program will excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge concerning child autism, and its translation into improved health for children, more effective services and products for children with autism, and increase the province’s capacity in diagnosis and assessment of autism and a strengthened treatment system.
For 2025-26, up to two one-year awards at the Master’s level and up to three one-year awards at the Doctoral level will be made:
- Master’s Awards - $18,000
- Doctoral Awards - $20,000
Important Dates
- December 2, 2024 – Complete application package, including transcripts (copies sent via e-mail) due to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at grschol@uoguelph.ca
- January 31, 2025 – If endorsed by the University of Guelph, the application is due to COU
Please refer to the Council of Ontario Universities website for full details and eligibility.
Application Process
- Review the COU website for complete information and to access the application form.
- Submit a copy of the completed application package to OGPS via email to grschol@uoguelph.ca. Referees should submit their assessments directly to grschol@uoguelph.ca
- The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Awards Committee will review the applications and select those that will be forwarded to the COU for further consideration.
- Applicants will be notified if their application has been selected to be forwarded to the provincial competition by early February.
Contacts & Resources
If you have questions about the application process, please contact the Graduate Awards Officers by email to grschol@uoguelph.ca.
The Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada (SWAAC) offers award opportunities with eligibility rotating through four regions on a four-year rotation: Western Provinces (2024), Quebec (2025), Atlantic Provinces (2026), Ontario (2027).
Please visit the SWAAC website for information about eligibility and application package requirements.
University of Guelph graduate students may submit their applications by email to the Graduate Awards Officers at grschol@uoguelph.ca.
The University of Guelph internal application deadline for the Ontario (2027) competition is TBD.
Application packages selected for nomination to the next stage of the competition will be forwarded to SWAAC by TBD.
There are two types of Mackenzie King Scholarships: the “Open” Scholarship and the “Travelling” Scholarship. Both were established to support graduates of Canadian universities who are pursuing graduate studies.
Mackenzie King “Open” Scholarship
Open to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere. One Open Scholarship of approximately $13,000 is awarded annually (value is subject to change).
Mackenzie King “Travelling” Scholarship
Open to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in the United States or the United Kingdom in the areas of international relations or industrial relations. Four scholarships of approximately $15,000 each are awarded annually (number of recipients and value are subject to change).
Important Dates
- February 3, 2025 – Complete application package, including transcripts and letters of reference, due to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Please refer to the Mackenzie King Scholarships website for comprehensive eligibility criteria.
Selection Criteria
Selection is based on high academic achievements (typically all A’s or very nearly so), personal qualities, and demonstrated aptitudes. Consideration will also be given to the applicant’s proposed program of study.
Application Process
- Review the Mackenzie King website for complete information and to access the application form.
- Submit an electronic copy of your application documents to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, if the University of Guelph is your “home” university. Your home university is the Canadian university from which you most recently graduated or at which you are currently enrolled. A complete application consists of the following:
- The completed and signed application form (including attached sheets A and B as described on that form).
- Three letters of reference from persons who have an intimate knowledge of your record and ability and are able to give a critical evaluation of your plans for graduate study. At least two of these testimonials must be from persons under whom you have taken your major work at university, or from senior colleagues with whom you have been associated in academic teaching or research. References must be emailed to us directly from the referees using their institutional/corporate email addresses.
- Official transcripts from each university you have attended; transcripts must be e-mailed to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Awards Officers at grschol@uoguelph.ca. If sending hard copies, please send them to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies ATTN: Graduate Award Officers.
- The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Awards Committee will review the applications and select those that will be forwarded to the Mackenzie King Board of Scholarship Trustees for further consideration.
Contacts & Resources
If you have questions about the application process, please contact the Graduate Awards Officers by email grschol@uoguelph.ca.
Council of Ontario Universities
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, a Scholar Awards Program in Women’s Health has been established to ensure that Ontario attracts and retains pre-eminent women’s health scholars. The community of women’s health scholars fostered by this Awards Program will excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge about women’s health and its translation into improved health for women, more effective health services and products for women, and a strengthened health care system.
For 2025-26, up to two one-year awards at the Master’s level and up to three one-year awards at the Doctoral level, and up to two one-year awards at the Postdoctoral level:
- Master’s Awards - $25,000 plus $1,000 research allowance
- Doctoral Awards - $35,000 plus $2,000 research allowance
- Postdoctoral Awards - $50,000 plus $5,000 research allowance
Important Dates
- December 2, 2024 – Complete application package, including transcripts due to OGPS (grschol@uoguelph.ca)
- January 31, 2025 – If endorsed by the University of Guelph, the application is due to COU
Please refer to the Council of Ontario Universities website for comprehensive eligibility criteria.
Application Process
- Review the COU website for complete information and to access the application form.
- Submit a copy of the completed application package, including electronic copies of all official transcripts, to OGPS via email to grschol@uoguelph.ca. Referees should submit their assessments directly to grschol@uoguelph.ca
- The OGPS Awards Committee will review the applications and select those that will be forwarded to the COU for further consideration.
- Applicants will be notified whether or not their application has been selected to be forwarded to the provincial competition by early February
Contacts & Resources
If you have questions about the application process, please contact the Graduate Awards Officers by email grschol@uoguelph.ca.
Apply Directly to the Awarding Institution for the Following Awards:
Each year, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation rewards outstanding doctoral candidates who have been offered admission to, or are enrolled in year one, two, or three, of a social sciences and humanities program and who are doing research in areas related to one of the Foundation's four themes. This award, the most prestigious of its type in Canada, has continuously attracted the very best scholars in the social sciences and humanities, individuals with a passion for public engagement and who are likely to become leading national and international figures. Canadian citizens, permanent residents and foreign citizens are eligible to apply.
Up to $70,000 per year for three years ($50,000 per year to cover tuition and reasonable living expenses, and an annual research and travel allowance of up to $20,000)
Candidates must now apply directly to the Foundation through its online application portal.
Please refer to the Trudeau Foundation website for comprehensive eligibility criteria and instructions on how to apply.
The mandate of Fulbright Canada is to enhance mutual understanding between the people of Canada and the United States of America by providing support to outstanding graduate students, faculty, professionals, and independent researchers. These individuals conduct research, lecture, or enrol in formal academic programs in the other country. In doing so, Fulbright Canada aims to grow intellectual capacity, increase productivity, and assist in the shaping of future leaders in both countries.
For more information, please visit the Fulbright Canada website.
Mitacs-Accelerate is Canada’s premiere research internship program. It connects companies with over 50 research-based universities through graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, who apply their specialized expertise to business research challenges. Interns transfer their skills from theory to real-world application, while the companies gain a competitive advantage by accessing high-quality research expertise.
For more information, visit the https://www.mitacs.ca/en/programs/accelerate.
Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario, in partnership with Mitacs, is pleased to announce its request for applications, Graduate Student Scholarship Program 2025. Graduate Student Scholarship Program - Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario
One year duration, with awards up to a maximum of $25,000 CDN.
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 4:00 pm EST.
Express Accelerate Research Proposal Mar 2025
The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting outstanding all-round students at the University of Oxford, and providing transformative opportunities for exceptional individuals. Established in 1903 under the will of Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international graduate scholarship program in the world. A class of 83 Scholars is selected each year from various countries around the world, including Canada.
For more information, visit The Rhodes Scholarships website.