Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

Portrait of graduate student Sidra Sarfaraz (MSc, Human Health & Nutrtional Sciences) in theScience Atrium at the University of Guelph

Sidra Sarfaraz

Advice for Prospective Grad Students… 

We have AMAZING faculty for cardiovascular research, as well as nutrition, exercise and food science. If you're trying to choose universities and advisors, come drop by Guelph- chat to the professors, other lab members, our support staff. You'll see the difference yourself and be able to make an informed decision!

Portrait of Rebecca Daggett in the Advanced Drawing Studio, Alexander Hall

Rebecca Daggett

Why I chose Guelph...

I decided to complete my graduate studies at the University of Guelph for a multitude of reasons - the amazing faculty being a significant one. Not only do I feel supported by my professors, but they motivate me to be a better researcher. The skills I've received from the Guelph faculty are invaluable, and I know that they have prepared me for whatever opportunities follow my degree.

MA in English at the University of Guelph graduate student Maude Stephany

Maude Stephany

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Take the time you need to do your work, but also to enjoy life.