Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

Bhoomi Gandhi

Bhoomi Gandhi

Advice for funding your studies...

Professors at the University of Guelph are exemplary in their professional acumen. Over and above this, there are plenty of opportunities, like Teaching Assistantship (GTA) and Research Assistantship (RA), for an international graduate student to help fund their studies. 

Portrait of graduate student Kiran Bains

Kiran Bains

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Grad school opens doors! SO many doors have opened up for me just in the last two years of my degree here. 
Make sure you choose an adviser who is well-known in the industry because they will help you grow quickly in the field. I saw my adviser as a professional mentor and I'm able to go to her with questions about the industry. She has given me so much insight into the future of our professional field which has helped shape my future career goals. Take advantage of all the mentorship opportunities that you can. Grad school is the BEST place for that! Finding mentors when you're not a student is hard. Being a student is a great excuse to find mentors who will be so strategically useful to you, if you take advantage of your time here!

MSc Tourism and Hospitality at the University of Guelph graduate student Zhehao Zhao

Zhehao Zhao

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Smart or slow, doesn't really matter in the end, the point is everyone has their own time zone, all you have to have is your own balance of work, play, and all other stuff, the others don't really matter.

Ahmed Shaltout

Ahmed Shaltout

Other Thoughts...

Being a graduate student at Guelph is a lovely experience. It is not only about studying or working on your research. You can always participate in number of on-campus activities. 

U of Guelph Geography grad student Bryce Miller

Bryce Miller

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Don't worry if you're feeling overwhelmed, truth be told, everyone is feeling that way - just take it day by day. 

Portrait of graduate student Olivia Grafinger

Olivia Grafinger

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

I would advise a prospective graduate student to do their homework before contacting prospective advisors. Check out their profile on the University website, read their most recent paper, and even reach out to a senior graduate student currently in the lab!    

Graduate student Ashley Stegelmeier (PhD, Pathobiology) in the atrium of the Albert A. Thornbrough Building, University of Guelph

Ashley Stegelmeier

Advice for Prospective Grad Students… 

I loved being a PhD student here. My advisors and labmates were all very supportive of my research endeavors. I enjoyed being in charge of my own research project.

MSc Organic Chemistry at the University of Guelph graduate student Scott Sammons

Scott Sammons

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Networking is essential when considering graduate studies. I met my research advisor at an informal chemistry meet-up in Brass Taps two years prior to working for him. You'll never know when opportunities present themselves, so it's important to take chances and meet everyone you can.

Portrait of Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor

Advice for Prospective Students...

See graduate school as an opportunity to grow in many different ways. UofG has plenty of wonderful research opportunities, and a big part of being a researcher is the chance to communicate your research to different audiences. Graduate school is an awesome opportunity to become a more well rounded person from developing problem solving skills as a researcher to sharpening communication skills, all of which are crucial for any walk of life you end up travelling down.