Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

Anjali Silva

Anjali Silva

Why I Chose Guelph… 

My academic curiosity propelled me into Bioinformatics research. Upon completing undergraduate studies in Genetics, I was looking for opportunities to build on this foundation. The Bioinformatics program at the University of Guelph seemed to be the right fit. 

Miriam Bart

Miriam Bart

Opportunities at UofG...

The most rewarding component of this journey has been discovering the ways in which I can make a difference in the community. You can join a club, volunteer, be a teaching assistant, attend conferences, complete a work-study program, and apply yourself in new and exciting ways. The opportunities are endless and highly accessible! Being a graduate student in such a supportive, intellectual and practical program has pushed me to realize that the sky is the limit! 

Zayed Bin Islam

Zayed Bin Islam

Advice for future graduate students...

There is wealth of resources available for graduate students on campus. I believe the experiences during graduate studies will be one of the best experiences of any student’s life. However, you have to be prepared for things to not always go perfectly; sometimes you will find the workload overwhelming, but the key is not to lose hope. Things get better with time, and there are always resources available to help you. If you feel stressed, take a break and walk around our beautiful campus! 

portrait of Andrew Vowles

Andrew Vowles

Advice for Prospective Grad Students… 

Find what interests you. Many other grad students are much younger than I am and will be entering a life's career following completion of their studies. Looking back, I think it's important to pursue your passion and let the career, money, etc., come from that. During studies, stay on top of things. At the same time, don't neglect other outlets, pursuits, interests: things have a way of connecting in unexpected ways.  

Krista Miller

Krista Miller

Other Thoughts… 

The relationships that I have made with the other graduate students has proved invaluable. You receive so much support and guidance from them, and the program allows for a wide range of research interests.

Graduate student Trust Katsande (MSc, Plant Agriculture) in the atrium of the Albert A. Thornbrough Building, University of Guelph

Trust Katsande

About My Advisor… 

My advisor was more like my mentor. He is very open, honest and helpful, which made me very comfortable to express my ideas and also to discuss different issues concerning my academic life.

Naheda Sahtout

Naheda Sahtout

About the Campus...

“I like the fact that you can go out to the Arboretum and walk during lunch. The flowers and the trees provide such a beautiful and serene outlook to the campus. I like how the buildings are not congested into one area but are separated by trees and pathways.”

Portrait of graduate student Oscar Lopez Hernandez

Oscar Lopez Hernandez

Advice for Prospective Grad Students…

I would tell them that pursuing graduate studies here is a great experience because of many things: the courses, the faculty, the campus, the events, the multicultural environment, the community feeling. I would tell them that they would definitely enjoy their time as a graduate student at this university.

Graduate student Ashley Stegelmeier (PhD, Pathobiology) in the atrium of the Albert A. Thornbrough Building, University of Guelph

Ashley Stegelmeier

Advice for Prospective Grad Students… 

I loved being a PhD student here. My advisors and labmates were all very supportive of my research endeavors. I enjoyed being in charge of my own research project.