Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

U of G MBS student Ainsley Rooney in the lab

Ainsley Rooney

Advice to prospective grad students

My advice to prospective graduate students is to stay curious and open to new opportunities. Grad school is a journey of discovery, and being open-minded can lead to unexpected and rewarding experiences. Through working in a laboratory setting, you learn a plethora of new skills and techniques that not only could be useful in future careers but enhance your knowledge in the field. 
It's also essential to build relationships with peers, professors, and mentors. These connections can offer invaluable support, guidance, and opportunities for collaboration. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and challenge you to grow.
Lastly, remember that graduate school can be demanding, so take care of your mental and physical well-being. Balance is key to sustaining your energy and focus throughout your program. Stay motivated and persistent, and don't lose sight of your long-term goals.

Portrait of graduate student Lilas Randrianarivony (MSc, Apacity Development & Extension) in the atrium of Mac Donald Stewart Hall at the University of Guelph

Lilas Randrianarivony

About the City of Guelph… 

Coming from New York City, Guelph was definitely different but I would say it was a relief. It truly grounded me to not be amongst the hustle and bustle every day and it's a small town full of nice people.

Graduate student Eric Lawton (PhD, Biomedical Sciences with Neuroscience) in the Science Atrium at the University of Guelph

Eric Lawton

About Being a Grad Student at U of G… 

Being a graduate student at the UofG was an amazing and rewarding experience. Fellow students and faculty create a friendly and supportive environment which made coming to the lab enjoyable, every day. Between presenting at conferences, writing papers and conducting research, UoG offers plenty of amenities to relax and unwind with friends.

Food Safety & Quality Assurance at U of Guelph MSc candidate Vijay Thomas Issac

Vijay Thomas Issac

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

From my experience as an international student, I would request every prospective grad student to understand the core details offered by every course in the food safety and quality assurance program. I know every course is research-intensive and requires dedication and time management, but trust me, if you are passionate to establish yourself in the industry and want to ensure consistent delivery of safe food to the customers, you will develop a strong interest in the course. The application-level offered in the assignments is a reflection of how it is applied in an industrial setting and helps you crack the real-life hurdles faced in the rapidly growing industry and globalization. I would also suggest the prospective graduate students engage themselves in thoughtful conversations with their peers and develop a strong sense of food safety leadership to facilitate those conversations. It is also highly recommended to attend the food safety seminars provided by the department.

U of G Criminology & Criminal Justice Policy MA Candidate Annalise Kennedy

Annalise Kennedy

Advice for Prospective Grad Students… 

Making relationships with your professors in your undergraduate degree is one of the best decisions you can make.

Portrait of Chrys Apostolatos

Chrys Apostolatos

About Being a Grad Student at UofG...

"Knowing my professors was a huge benefit in pursuing this program. Additionally, the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant in undergraduate classes as well as complete paid internships at local museums and galleries has provided me with hands on experience."

Portrait of graduate student Ramazan Onkollar

Ramazan Onkollar

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Finding your passion will take you to the right place at the end of the road. Just keep doing your best and appreciate all the opportunities provided along the way.

Chelsey Tremblay

Chelsey Tremblay

Being a Graduate Student at Guelph… 

It is so crazy and will likely be one of the busiest times of your life, but it will also be one of the most rewarding experiences. 

Portrait of graduate student Megan Brasher

Megan Brasher

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

If you're struggling, don't be afraid to reach out.