Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

Idalia Rodriguez

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

The advice that I could give to other international students is to use the library's tools, such as ELS workshops for non-native English students, writing reviews, time planning, and services on improving mental health because there are very stressful days during the master's degree.

U of Guelph grad student Jonathan Khosravani

Jonathan Khosravani

My advice to any prospective grad student is to not rush into graduate school without some self-reflection about your passions, what you love doing and what you would like to study. This is because grad school can be a challenging place but also incredibly rewarding as it teaches you how to read critically, learn systemically, and think deeply. As such, I invite potential students to engage in some introspection and self-reflection about your motivations, desires, and commitments as this is a weird (but wonderful) experience distinctive from both undergrad and from other jobs so its important to not rush into anything without thinking.

Portrait of graduate student Katherine Keary

Katherine Keary

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Don't be afraid to reach out and ask potential advisors about their research and if they have any graduate positions available.

Portrait of graduate student Kaitlyn Lawson

Kaitlyn Lawson

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Pursue research that you are passionate about and that inspires you. Graduate studies are a lot of work and can be difficult, and if you're not passionate about your research then you probably won't enjoy it. That being said, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and experience new things, whether that be academically or personally. Also, don't be afraid to get involved, some of my greatest experiences at the University of Guelph have been outside of the classroom.

Portrait of Rebecca Gordon

Rebecca Gordon

Advice for prospective grad students...

I feel lucky to have been able to be involved in many different projects at the University of Guelph. My advice to future grad students is to get involved in as many different things as you can and to not be afraid to reach out to people. A lot of the fun in a graduate degree is being able to collaborate and work with lots of different people. 

Portrait of Danielle Nowosad

Danielle Nowosad

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

I have found success in graduate studies by having a solid group of people supporting me. Academia can be daunting and difficult, but having friends and colleagues who are like-minded, engaged, and generally supportive has made my journey possible. Pick your department and supervisor with care, seize opportunities, explore new and old interests, maintain hobbies outside of research, and most of all: stay curious.

U of Guelph grad student Scott Moore

Scott Moore

Advice for prospective grad students...

I heard this quote when I first started my Master's: "Your project at the end is not going to be the same as when you started". Although your overall deliverables/outcomes might stay the same, how it gets done is very likely to shift. Those who are adaptive to change, take proactive measures to complete tasks timely, and are willing to go outside of their comfort zone will be the most resilient.

Katrina Tait

Katrina Tait

Other Thoughts… 

If I could speak to a prospective student, I would tell them that doing your graduate studies at Guelph would be the experience of a lifetime that will always continue with you as you progress through your career. With the excellent facilities on campus, no matter what your discipline, you will come out with not only the academic skills but also the social skills to excel in any workplace. 

Headshot of University of Guelph Graduate student Olubiyi (Mark) Ariba

Olubiyi (Mark) Ariba

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Always ask for help. When in doubt, ask; When not in doubt, ask. Enrolment in graduate courses can be very small, and grad life can sometimes feel isolating; so, try to form great bonds with other grad students. You have a lot in common! Try to take some time off to have fun, and when you inevitably encounter students pulling a tractor in September, do the opposite of what I did; and be cool! If you can, participate in the 3-minute thesis competition (3MT); it's a lot of fun!

Michael Lever

Michael Lever

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

If you are considering graduate studies, I suggest that you take your research interests and see who on campus is pursuing something that aligns with them. Given the wide range of topics and fields of study here, I would not be surprised to see at least one other individual or faculty member engaged in some research that closely mirrors the interests of the student.