Be informed. Always make sure that you understand each and every step of what you're trying to accomplish, but at the same time don't be afraid to plunge into the unknown. Be mindful of what makes you happy, and pursue your goals with a passion because at the end of the day, when we look back at our accomplishments, the gratification from that is what keeps us going.
Find what interests you. Many other grad students are much younger than I am and will be entering a life's career following completion of their studies. Looking back, I think it's important to pursue your passion and let the career, money, etc., come from that. During studies, stay on top of things. At the same time, don't neglect other outlets, pursuits, interests: things have a way of connecting in unexpected ways.
I chose to study at the University of Guelph because the program had everything that I was looking for in a PhD program. It allowed me to follow my research interests and to gain applied skills and community research experience.
Think hard and explore the options of different pathways you can take in graduate studies. Make the best out of grad school, be social and go to events to meet others in your program. Enjoy your time here, it goes by extremely fast.
Guelph is an amazing school academically and socially. You will be able to conduct cutting-edge research, surrounded by people who passionate, intelligent and supportive. There are so many social events and opportunities so don't be nervous to join clubs, teams or come out to social events!
I would tell them that graduate studies is like riding your bike up a hill… You know it's going to be a challenge, but you do it anyways. And as you're trudging up that hill, not only do you have people riding right along beside or in front of you, but you know that you've got a plethora of cheerleaders waiting for you at the top. In essence, graduate studies at the University of Guelph will be scary, hard, and stressful… but so much fun and totally worth it.
I found being in a graduate university environment to be very beneficial for having access to experts on many topics. I would encourage new graduate students to not be afraid to reach out to various professors and other graduate students that can help guide you and offer advice.