Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

Portrait of graduate student Laura Austin

Laura Austin

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

My first piece advice to prospective grad students would be to find a lab or an advisor that you mesh well with and are excited about working with. If you are on the same page and feel comfortable from the start, it makes all the difference. After that, trust yourself and your abilities! You are capable of more than you think.

Abbie Viscardi

Abbie Viscardi

Other Thoughts… 

In graduate studies, you will work harder than you have ever worked, but it is going to be so rewarding. There are experts in every field at the University of Guelph, who will support you and offer so many resources that are available to help you succeed. You are also going to meet some incredible people along the way, especially since there is such strong comradery among fellow graduate students. I know this is a cliché, but I think you get out of your time here what you put into it, and there are so many opportunities available to take advantage of, to ensure you have a great experience. 

Portrait of graduate student Samantha Allen

Samantha Allen

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Do your research: on the lab, on the faculty, on the department and on the city itself. There are so many different programs/departments and it's imperative you know what you're getting into. Speak to students that are currently in the lab or have recently graduated to get an idea of how things work. There are going to be some tough times in your program and you want to make sure you're surrounded by people that want to support you and help you get through, to be successful.

Portrait of graduate student Keely Kavcic

Keely Kavcic

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

I would tell any prospective grad students to visit the campuses they are applying to, and talk to students in their program(s) of interest! A major factor in my staying at Guelph was the campus community, and knowing that I would be supported throughout my studies in not only my academics, but also through the social atmosphere on campus.

Portrait of graduate student Morla Phan

Morla Phan

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Be patient with yourself. As a student your job is to learn, and by necessity, fail. Solving the problem and having the right answer isn't always the same thing.

Portrait of graduate student Ashleigh Weeden (PhD, Rural Studies) in the atrium of Mac Donald Stewart Hall at the University of Guelph

Ashleigh Weeden

I am a proud second-generation Gryphon and University of Guelph alumna, having received an Honours Bachelor of Arts in International Development from the UoG in 2008, following in my father's footsteps (Agricultural Engineering '71 and MSc '86). Coming back to Guelph to pursue a doctorate has felt like coming home in all the best ways.

Shannon Klingel

Shannon Klingel

Advice for Prospective Grad Studies...

If I were to speak with someone considering Guelph, I would tell them that although it may not be a very lucrative venture, it is an incredibly fulfilling experience. Additionally, for those thinking about diving into graduate studies but are unsure about the difficulty or commitment, always remember: a little drive and determination can go a long way! 

Portrait of graduate student Natalie Ng (MSc, Food Science) in the atrium of Mac Donald Stewart Hall at the University of Guelph

Natalie Ng

Why I Chose Guelph… 

For Food Science in Canada, Guelph was the only choice! Having completed my undergrad here as well, I was happy to build upon my existing relationships within Food Science. Moreover, I was also very excited to not just witness, but be a part of Guelph’s large agri-food revolution.