Paul Sibley | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Paul Sibley

Portrait of Dr. Paul Sibley


My research is designed to better understand the relative risks that environmental stressors may pose to the biota of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems with the goal of improving scientific and public understanding of those risks.​


About my research…

My research interests focus on issues of water quality and its management including invertebrate and sediment toxicological assessments of novel, priority, and/or emerging  chemicals, the use of aquatic invertebrates and fish as indicators of ecosystem health, assessment of ecosystem-level responses to contaminants using model aquatic ecosystems, lab-to-field extrapolation, development of risk assessment methodologies, understanding risk perception, and risk communication.

How my research improveslife…

Stressors of many descriptions (chemicals, nutrients, natural disturbance regimes) affect our lives, directly or indirectly, in many ways. My research is designed to better understand the relative risks that environmental stressors may pose to the biota of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems with the goal of improving scientific and public understanding of those risks. In doing so, we can improve life by mitigating exposure through the development of effective policies and appropriate management strategies.