Intellectual Property Issues | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Intellectual Property Issues


Copyright provision details may be found in the University of Guelph Graduate Calendar and in the University of Guelph Policy on Intellectual Property document.


An authorization to reproduce copyright material beyond brief excerpts must be obtained from the copyright owner and submitted with the thesis. In order to avoid plagiarism you should become familiar with how to avoid it According to the National Library and Archives Canada:

Please ensure that you haven't included copyrighted material from other sources unless you've received written permission from the copyright holder(s).

This may take quite some time especially if some of the copyrighted material is older, if the copyrighted source(s) you need to contact is out of the country and/or you need to contact multiple sources. We strongly recommend that you contact the copyrighted source(s) early in your thesis preparation.

You may have already published a portion of your thesis, for example as a journal article or part of a book. If you have assigned the copyright to your publisher you need to obtain written permission to include it in your thesis. Please inform your publisher about the Theses Non-Exclusive License you have signed with Library and Archives Canada.

If you've written your thesis with a co-author, he or she must sign a separate license.

If your thesis includes material (e.g. a chapter, an article) that has been co-written with another author(s), you need permission from the author(s) before submitting it to Library and Archives Canada (via your university) for publication. Please inform the co-author(s) that you have signed a Theses Non-Exclusive License that authorizes Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, communicate to the public on the Internet, loan, distribute or sell copies of your thesis, among other things.

In all cases, written permission must obtained and maintained by you. Copyright permissions are not submitted with the Thesis, or maintained by the University. When submitting your thesis, you agree to the Non-Exclusive license agreement, confirming that if you have copyrighted material in your thesis, you are either using that material under an exception available to you under the Copyright Act (such as fair dealing) or you have obtained permission to use it.

What You Should Know if You Plan to Use a Published Journal Article as a Chapter of Your Thesis







Helpful Links

Copyright Information
UofG Library

Copyright Act
Department of Justice

A Guide to Intellectual Property for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
A publication from the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS)

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Library, University of Guelph

Bound By Law
A clever comic book style approach to copyright, fair use and popular media, sponsored by Duke University - Center for the Study of the Public Domain.

Copyright Law and Graduate Research  
Copyright, and Your Dissertation or Thesis: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and Responsibilities (ProQuest / Kenneth D. Crews / Columbia University)

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that offers free and flexible copyright licenses for creative works.