Part-Time Studies
Choosing Between Part-Time & Full-Time
When applying through OUAC, you will have the option to choose between full-time and part-time (not all programs offer a part-time option). Students interested in part-time programs should be aware that there can be certain implications, such as:
- Loss of interest-free status for outstanding student loans,
- Reduced maximum course load per semester,
- Loss of income-tax benefits (education credit), and
- Funding/Scholarship/Bursary ineligibility (ie. OGS, CGS, etc)
- The minimum duration period is based on the equivalency of three part-time semesters to one full-time semester.
Change from Full-Time to Part-Time
If you have received an offer of admission and are looking to transfer from Full-Time to Part-Time, you will need to complete your registration for Full-Time studies and then submit the “Full-Time and Part-Time Transfer Application ”. This form, along with appropriate supporting documentation, must be submitted to the department for their internal review/approval, when completed they will forward to the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies. This should be completed prior to the semester payment deadline (each semester), to ensure no financial penalties. For more information on the general regulations, minimum duration and/or the requirements to transfer, please refer to the Graduate Calendar.
International students interested in switching from Full-Time should discuss with Citizenship and Immigration Canada to determine if this will have an impact on their study permit parameters.