Master's Thesis Submission and Defence Schedule | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Master's Thesis Submission and Defence Schedule

It is the responsibility of the advisor to begin making arrangements for the master's thesis defence at least eight (8) weeks prior to the anticipated date of the defence.

Master's Thesis Defence Schedule

  1. At least eight (8) weeks prior to the anticipated date of the final examination:
    1. The advisory committee agrees on a timetable for completion of the thesis and defence.
    2. The advisor informs the department chair* of the timetable.
  2. At least four (4) weeks prior to the anticipated date of the final examination:
    1. Formation of the Examination Committee
  3. At least two (2) weeks prior to the anticipated date of the final examination:
    1. Request for Thesis Examination is completed.
    2. Thesis is made available to members of the Examination Committee

Detailed Procedures





Forms Required Before the Thesis Defense

  • Examination Request Form

Forms Required for the Thesis Examination

  •  Report of the Master's Examination Committee
  •  Certificate of Approval (Master's Thesis)
  •  Recommendation for Degree