Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

Portrait of graduate student Samantha O'Leary

Samantha O'Leary

Why I Chose Guelph...

The Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition at UofG has a strong, positive reputation and a faculty that supports their students to excel. I was interested in completing my doctoral degree in the Family Relations and Human Development program as I had the opportunity to explore family relationships from an applied lens and explore the relational dynamics of family members who support children with disabilities.

Amberley Ruetz

Amberley Ruetz

Why I chose Guelph… 

I couldn't imagine a better fit than the University of Guelph. The opportunity to work within a dynamic, interdisciplinary team of graduate students across campus as an inaugural Arrell Food Fellow was an extremely enriching experience on both academic and professional development fronts that sets UofG apart.  Under the leadership of the world renowned food scholar Dr. Evan Fraser, the Arrell Food Institute supported my aspirations to develop an innovative food product for student nutrition programs by connecting me with industry partners off campus in addition to the plethora of researchers and staff on campus to enhance my doctoral research. The Arrell Food Institute, CBaSE, the Catalyst Centre, the Accelerator Program, the Guelph Food Innovation Centre and the close proximity of OMAFRA across the street from the university are world-class resources that enhanced my UofG experience everyday. UofG invests in its students both academically AND professionally, offering a large suite of programs and specialized resource centres that assist students in developing research as well as business skills which accelerate their alumni post-graduation.

Devon McAlpine

Master of Public Health (MPH)

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Absolutely take the time to reach out to current students, alumni, and faculty members affiliated with the grad programs of consideration. Your grad school experience will very much be influenced by the people you are surrounded by during your education and the culture of the program. Hearing from other's experiences and talking to current students is one of the best ways to find the right fit for you.

MSc Organic Chemistry at the University of Guelph graduate student Scott Sammons

Scott Sammons

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Networking is essential when considering graduate studies. I met my research advisor at an informal chemistry meet-up in Brass Taps two years prior to working for him. You'll never know when opportunities present themselves, so it's important to take chances and meet everyone you can.

Portrait of Andrew Nixon

Andrew Nixon

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

I've been very privileged and lucky since coming to Guelph for my undergraduate degree back in 2010 as all of the opportunities I have been given have been gained through building strong relationships with faculty and staff on campus and finding mentors that have helped guide me along my career path. I've always found that the people on campus are incredibly giving and willing to devote their time to help out students. I've also found that simply starting with expressing an interest to be more involved and showing initiative can go a very long way to opening doors to new opportunities.

Portrait of Shahriyar Ghazanfari Holagh, PhD Engineering U of Guelph

Shahriyar Ghazanfari Holagh

Advice for prospective grad students

Drawing on my experience in academia and research, I would advise prospective graduate students to embrace challenges. When confronted with a difficult situation, tackle it directly rather than trying to avoid it. You'll often find that the solution emerges as you delve into understanding and addressing the challenge at hand.

U of Guelph Population Medicine Epidemiology MSc student, Mariah Crevier weighing a calf

Mariah Crevier

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

My advice would be that a Masters degree is like a roller coaster. You will have your ups and downs in your research but that is all apart of being a scientist! There is no such thing as a 'bad' discovery.

Portrait of graduate student Lydia Wang (MSc, Food Science) in the atrium of Mac Donald Stewart Hall at the University of Guelph

Lydia Wang

About Being a Grad Student at U of G… 

Life as a graduate student at UofG is always exciting! Every day brings new experiences, learning opportunities, and challenges. One day, I could be conducting lab work, another day I could be attending classes and finishing assignments, while the next day I could be running sensory tests. At the same time, I am surrounded by smart, curious, and enthusiastic students who are all actively looking for ways to improve life.

Portrait of Lindsay Plater

Lindsay Plater

Being a Graduate Student at Guelph… 

A graduate student at the University of Guelph is a lot of work, but it is very rewarding. My schedule was even more flexible now than when I was an undergraduate student, which is very important because you have to make time for everything. There are classes and seminars, research, meetings, Teaching Assistantship(s), mentoring, and readings happening constantly. If you plan things well, you can get involved on campus or have a social life, too! 

Portrait of graduate student Sarah Ranby (MSc, Family Relations and Human Development) in the atrium of Mac Donald Stewart Hall at the University of Guelph

Sarah Ranby

About the City of Guelph… 

I came from a small town, so when I first moved to Guelph I was kind of intimidated by the transition due to leaving a rural area to come to a city. I have lived in Guelph for almost eight years now and even though it is a city, it has that small town feel which I like.