Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

Sonia Gallardo

Advice for future graduate students...

If someone were thinking about graduate studies, I would tell them that it is important to gain education, but it is also just as important to gain experience. Fortunately, the University of Guelph gives you the chance to do both of these things at the same time. 

Abbie Viscardi

Abbie Viscardi

Other Thoughts… 

In graduate studies, you will work harder than you have ever worked, but it is going to be so rewarding. There are experts in every field at the University of Guelph, who will support you and offer so many resources that are available to help you succeed. You are also going to meet some incredible people along the way, especially since there is such strong comradery among fellow graduate students. I know this is a cliché, but I think you get out of your time here what you put into it, and there are so many opportunities available to take advantage of, to ensure you have a great experience. 

Portrait of Rhiannon Digweed

Rhiannon Digweed

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Have really good time management! Being ahead on a project will do you wonders when deadlines start to creep up. And don't be afraid to make mistakes and not be entirely sure what you want to accomplish from the start. Faculty are there to help and guide you on your journey but you must also be willing to be challenged and accept productive criticism.

Portrait of graduate student Abdul-Rahim Abdulai

Abdul-Rahim Abdulai

Advice for Prospective Students...

The University of Guelph is a small family in itself with a lot of support to facilitate different types of lifestyles. My ability to feel safe and learn without worry is something I have admired.

Miriam Bart

Miriam Bart

Opportunities at UofG...

The most rewarding component of this journey has been discovering the ways in which I can make a difference in the community. You can join a club, volunteer, be a teaching assistant, attend conferences, complete a work-study program, and apply yourself in new and exciting ways. The opportunities are endless and highly accessible! Being a graduate student in such a supportive, intellectual and practical program has pushed me to realize that the sky is the limit! 

Portrait of Shahriyar Ghazanfari Holagh, PhD Engineering U of Guelph

Shahriyar Ghazanfari Holagh

Advice for prospective grad students

Drawing on my experience in academia and research, I would advise prospective graduate students to embrace challenges. When confronted with a difficult situation, tackle it directly rather than trying to avoid it. You'll often find that the solution emerges as you delve into understanding and addressing the challenge at hand.

U of Guelph Political Science MSc student Taelor Reid

Taelor Reid

While it's true that you should work hard to reach your goal, burnout is real. Allow yourself to take breaks when needed; take a nap, play video games, and laugh at some memes. Life will feel less annoying.

Devon McAlpine

Master of Public Health (MPH)

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Absolutely take the time to reach out to current students, alumni, and faculty members affiliated with the grad programs of consideration. Your grad school experience will very much be influenced by the people you are surrounded by during your education and the culture of the program. Hearing from other's experiences and talking to current students is one of the best ways to find the right fit for you.

U of Guelph Food Safety & Quality Assurance MSc candidate Andrew Peeples

Andrew Peeples

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Make sure your decisions are based on a meaningful purpose. The phrase “What you put in is what you get out” is what I return to repeatedly. It applies to you as a person, the work you do, and the food you make. You need purpose to make anything of consequence happen. It’s been over a decade since I made my first decisions to enter the field of food safety, and I’m even more committed to it today than I was then.

Portrait of Amanda Avison

Amanda Avison

Words of wisdom for a prospective grad student...

 You get out of your education what you put into it.