Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

MA in English at the University of Guelph graduate student Maude Stephany

Maude Stephany

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Take the time you need to do your work, but also to enjoy life.

Portrait of graduate student Matiyo Ojehomon

Matiyo Ojehomon

Advice for Prospective Students...

It is best to learn different skills and be great at it.

Portrait of graduate student Sarah Robinson

Sarah Robinson

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Graduate school is challenging and chaotic at times; don’t be afraid to seek guidance, whether it’s for academic advice, mental health support, or the best place in the city for live music. 
Imposter syndrome is real, but it can be overcome! Allow yourself time to adjust to graduate school; the dynamic will be very different from undergraduate studies.
Finally, don’t isolate yourself in your research. Reach out to colleagues, develop new friendships, make time for yourself!

Andrew Harris

Andrew Harris


About the Campus...

U of G has a fantastic intramural program. I played ice hockey and dodge ball, but there are many other sports offered. In addition, the University has a brand new physical education building and every student has access to basketball, gyms, the pool, and hot tub.

Portrait of graduate student Danielle Julien-Wright (PhD, Population Medicine) in the Albert A. Thornbrough Building, University of Guelph

Danielle Julien-Wright

Advice for Prospective Grad Students… 

Identify your passion and reason(s) for wanting to become a graduate student. Write them down, type it up, post it large and visibly on your desk or wherever you do your work so that it remains a constant reminder of why you are doing what you are doing and will motivate you through the hard times that every graduate student has and does go through, so that you can always see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Portrait of graduate student Lilas Randrianarivony (MSc, Apacity Development & Extension) in the atrium of Mac Donald Stewart Hall at the University of Guelph

Lilas Randrianarivony

About the City of Guelph… 

Coming from New York City, Guelph was definitely different but I would say it was a relief. It truly grounded me to not be amongst the hustle and bustle every day and it's a small town full of nice people.

Emily Vis

Emily Vis

About My Advisor...

“My advisor has allowed me to grow as an independent researcher, and ensures I stay on track. I have had a wonderful experience growing into the student I am now. ”

Adam Finlayson

Adam Finlayson

Why I Chose Guelph...

“I completed my undergrad degree (Bachelor of Landscape Architecture) at the University of Guelph and loved the city, campus, profs and people too much to leave for another school.”

Portrait of graduate student Jenny Liu

Jenny Liu

Advice for Prospective Students...

Make sure you need grad school for your future career before you do it. Reach out to other grad students while you're in undergrad; most people will be more than happy to share their experiences.

Alex Robinson

Alex Robinson

About the City...

“I love Guelph for the downtown area especially the farmer’s market, the pubs, and all of the great outlets for outdoor activities. There’s a strong culture in Guelph that creates a strong community feel to the city.”