Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Grad Students' Words of Wisdom

Portrait of graduate student Samantha Allen

Samantha Allen

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Do your research: on the lab, on the faculty, on the department and on the city itself. There are so many different programs/departments and it's imperative you know what you're getting into. Speak to students that are currently in the lab or have recently graduated to get an idea of how things work. There are going to be some tough times in your program and you want to make sure you're surrounded by people that want to support you and help you get through, to be successful.

Portrait of graduate student Lilas Randrianarivony (MSc, Apacity Development & Extension) in the atrium of Mac Donald Stewart Hall at the University of Guelph

Lilas Randrianarivony

About the City of Guelph… 

Coming from New York City, Guelph was definitely different but I would say it was a relief. It truly grounded me to not be amongst the hustle and bustle every day and it's a small town full of nice people.

Francis Opoku

Francis Opoku

About the City of Guelph… 

I lived in Ridgetown as this is where my research was conducted. Although Ridgetown does not have much infrastructure in comparison to the City of Guelph, it has large acres of land for research in agriculture. I sometimes enjoyed a tour on the vast land with various research work going on. Personally, I think Ridgetown may be the town with the kindest people I have met, and I know the same is true for the City of Guelph.

Portrait of graduate student Alicyia Walczyk - Mooradally

Alicyia Walczyk - Mooradally

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Guelph is an amazing school academically and socially. You will be able to conduct cutting-edge research, surrounded by people who passionate, intelligent and supportive. There are so many social events and opportunities so don't be nervous to join clubs, teams or come out to social events!

Mychal-Ann Hayhoe

Mychal-Ann Hayhoe

Advice for future grad students...

Figure out what motivates you, what you’re passionate about and what will drive you now and in the future. Start talking and engaging with people around campus. Go out of your way to get involved. It will pay off! The University of Guelph is full of passionate and interesting people and your attempts to connect with them can create opportunities you wouldn’t expect.

Portrait of graduate student Kaitlyn Lawson

Kaitlyn Lawson

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

Pursue research that you are passionate about and that inspires you. Graduate studies are a lot of work and can be difficult, and if you're not passionate about your research then you probably won't enjoy it. That being said, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and experience new things, whether that be academically or personally. Also, don't be afraid to get involved, some of my greatest experiences at the University of Guelph have been outside of the classroom.

Portrait of graduate student Keely Kavcic

Keely Kavcic

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

I would tell any prospective grad students to visit the campuses they are applying to, and talk to students in their program(s) of interest! A major factor in my staying at Guelph was the campus community, and knowing that I would be supported throughout my studies in not only my academics, but also through the social atmosphere on campus.

Kristen Alves

Kristen Alves

What Makes Guelph Unique… 

Graduate studies at the University of Guelph is unique because of the vibrant and friendly community environment, the access to outstanding resources and training, and the many opportunities on campus to develop important career and life skills.  

Ahmed Shaltout

Ahmed Shaltout

Other Thoughts...

Being a graduate student at Guelph is a lovely experience. It is not only about studying or working on your research. You can always participate in number of on-campus activities.